razak Abdullah, Rosyidah Arafat, Syahrul Syahrul


Latar Belakang : Proses menua merupakan proses alami yang diikuti dengan terjadinya peurunan kondisi fisik, psikologis dan sosial yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain .Kondisi penurunan tersebut mempengaruhi kemampuan lanjut usia dalam melakukan aktifitas sehari – hari/ Activity daily livings yang memerlukan perhatian dan bantuan keluarga sehingga mengakibatkan permintaan untuk perawatan di rumah meningkat dengan cepat. Perawatan Home care menjadi arena perawtaan professional dan informal. Review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelayanan home care pada lanjut usia.

Metode : Dalam mengumpulkan artikel menggunakan beberapa database Pubmed, Science Direct, Wiley, dan Google Scholar dengan strategi pencarian menggunakan metode PICO (population, intervention, comparison and outcome dengan batasan publikasi artikel dari tahun 2009-2019.

Hasil : Hasil temuan diperoleh beberapa point yaitu perlunya perawat melakukan Analisis kehidupan lansia sebelum memberikan pelayanan home care, pelayanan tepat waktu, Ukuran pengalaman aspek interpersonal perawatan karena itu dapat menjadi indikator yang berguna dari hasil kualitas hidup, pentingnya partisipasi lanjut usia, berbagi sejarah dengan perawat dan lansia, terjaminnya privasi lansia, pemenuhan standar kebutuhan lansia, selanjutnya ada factor komunikasi, pembangunan hubungan perawat dan lanjut usia, kepercayaan, keamanan, perawat harus pandai dalam menilai kekahawatiran rasa depresi yang disembunyikan oleh lansia, dan siap dalam menerima perbadaan pandangan dalam hal perawatan home care dengan lansia.


Kata kunci :  Home care, Lanjut Usia




Background: The aging process is a natural process that is followed by a decline in physical, psychological and social conditions that are interrelated with each other. The condition of the decline affects the ability of the elderly in carrying out daily activities / Activity daily livings that require attention and assistance from family so resulting in a rapidly increasing demand for home care. Care Home care is an arena for professional and informal care. This review aims to determine the experience of nurses in providing home care services for the elderly.

Method: Data was obtained from google scholar website database, Since direct and Proquest, and obtained 5 articles. The five articles were then carried out by the journal research critics using the appropriate CASP tools namely 5 articles with the Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Study.

Results: The findings obtained by several points, namely Analysis of the lives of the elderly before giving home care services, timely services, measures of experience of interpersonal aspects of care because it can be a useful indicator of quality of life outcomes, the importance of elderly participation, sharing history with nurses and the elderly, ensuring privacy, fulfilling the standards of elderly needs, then there are factors of communication, building relationships between nurses and the elderly, trustworthiness, security, nurses must be clever in assessing the concerns of depression that are hidden by the elderly, and ready to accept improvements in terms of nursing home care with the elderly .


Keywords: Experience, Nurse, Home care, Elderly

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