Adventy Riang Bevy Gulo, Erwin Silitonga, Masri Saragih




Organisasi profesi yang berperan besar dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit adalah keperawatan yang juga berpotensi mengalami konflik. Konflik mengakibatkan kerugian diantaranya stres kerja pada perawat pelaksana. Manajemen konflik merupakan prioritas utama kepala ruangan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh gaya manajemen konflik integrating dan obliging dalam mengurangi stres kerja perawat pelaksana. Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana di RS Imelda Pekerja Indonesia dan RS Martha Friska dimana teknik pengambilan sampel adalah simple random sampling. Jumlah responden sebanyak 105 orang perawat pelaksana. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner yang dianalisis secara bivariat dengan menggunakan program komputer. Hasil penelitian: 1) terdapat pengaruh gaya manajemen konflik integrating terhadap stres kerja perawat pelaksana (p = <0,001;PR=1,28 95%CI 1,174-1,402), dan 2) terdapat pengaruh gaya manajemen konflik obliging terhadap stress kerja perawat pelaksana (p=<0,001;PR = 1,20 95%CI 1,124-1,295. Gaya manajemen konflik integrating dan obliging  kepala ruangan berpengaruh dalam mengurangi stres kerja perawat pelaksana.


Kata Kunci: Integrating, Obliging, Stres Kerja Perawat




Professional organizations that play a major role in the implementation of nursing care in hospitals are nursing that also has the potential to experience conflict. Conflicts result in losses including work stress on implementing nurses. Conflict management is the chief priority of the nurse manager to overcome this.

To identify the influence of integrating and obliging conflict management styles in reducing the work stress of implementing nurses. This research is quantitative with cross sectional research design. The study population was implementing nurses at the Indonesian Hospital Imelda Worker and Martha Friska Hospital where the sampling technique was simple random sampling. The number of respondents was 105 implementing nurses. The instrument used was a questionnaire that was analyzed bivariately using a computer program.The results of the study were 1) there was an influence of integrating conflict management style on the work stress of implementing nurses (p=<0.001; PR=1.28 95% CI 1.174-1,402), and 2) there was an influence of obliging conflict management style on nurses work stress executor (p=<0.001; PR=1.20 95% CI 1.124-1.295). Integrating conflict management style and obliging head of the room influence in reducing the work stress of implementing nurses.


Keywords: Integrating, Obliging, Nurse Stress

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