Ashri Maulida Rahmawati, Muhamad Jauhar, Edi Wibowo Suwandi


Pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan berbagai krisis pada kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan kesehatan mental masyarakat..  Kesejahteraan psikologis yang baik pada situasi pandemi sangat diperlukan karena keadaan emosi yang positif dapat meningkatkan imunitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh intervensi mindfulness terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis dalam situasi krisi pandemi COVID-19.Penelitian ini merupakan semi systematic literature review. Pencarian literatur dilakukan melalui database online seperti Science Direct, PubMed, dan Google Schoolar dengan kata kunci“mindfulness”, “psychological well being”, “Mental health” dan “Covid-19”. Artikel diseleksi menggunakan kerangka PRISMA. Hasil didapatkan 8 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dari 8 artikel Intervensi mindfulness dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas emosional dapat meminimalkan kemungkinan terhadap stress, kecemasan, dan kesejahteraan psikologis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa intervensi mindfulness memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan psikologis pada krisis pandemi COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused various crises in people's social, economic and mental health. High psychological well-being in a pandemic situation is very necessary because a positive emotional state can increase immunity. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of mindfulness interventions on psychological well-being in the crisis situation of  COVID-19 pandemic. This study is a semi-systematic literature review. Literature searches were conducted through online databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Schoolar with the keywords “mindfulness”, “psychological well being”, “Mental health” and “Covid-19”. Articles were selected using the PRISMA framework. The results obtained 8 articles that meet the inclusion criteria. Based on the results analysis of the 8 articles, mindfulness interventions can increase emotional flexibility and minimize the possibility of stress, anxiety, and increase psychological well-being. It can be concluded that mindfulness interventions have a positive effect on improving psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.


COVID-19, mindfulness, kesejahteraan mental, kesejahteraan psikologis

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